參觀 2024 東京製造世界展

參觀 2024 東京製造世界展

統億材料最近參觀了 2024 年 6 月 19-21 日舉行的東京製造世界展。作為亞洲首屈一指的製造業展覽,此次活動匯聚了行業領袖、創新者和愛好者,致力於推動製造業的進步。展覽吸引了來自全球超過 2,100 家參展商和預計 72,000 名訪客,成為行業中的重要事件。


「2024 年東京製造業世界展為我們提供了一個與行業領袖連接並學習最新技術的絕佳平台」,統億材料公司發言人胡先生說。「我們很高興看到我們的先進解決方案如何滿足不斷發展的製造需求,幫助企業實現目標,特別是在台灣作為全球半導體關鍵角色獲得認可的背景下。」





統億材料是一家專業半導體設備代工採購製造商,提供精密加工、注塑成型和組裝服務。憑藉業界多年的經驗,多國語言團隊,專精致力於為客戶提供全球化創新且具成本效益的完整解決方案。更多資訊,請至官網 www.united.com.tw。

2023 日本半導體展:United Material與趨勢並進

2023 日本半導體展:United Material與趨勢並進

東京,日本 - 2023年12月18日

在2023年的SEMICON Japan東京展會上,United Material統億材料團隊參觀了各種產業最新的展示與研討會,深入了解了最新的半導體趨勢。請繼續關注我們的後續更新,我們將透過吸收新知,持續對為所有客戶提供高品質的OEM和ODM服務的信任與承諾。更深度地致力於產業活動中,不斷地獲得寶貴新知與見解,不停地優化我們的產品和服務。

2023 名古屋工業展

2023 名古屋工業展

United Material, a leading contract manufacturer, has announced their attendance at Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023, one of the largest manufacturing trade shows in Central Japan. The event consists of 9 specialized exhibitions and will take place from Apr 12, 2023 to Apr 13, 2023 at the Nagoya International Exhibition Hall.

With over 10 years of experience in contract manufacturing, UM is excited to look for business networks and strategic partnership by providing their innovative solutions and capabilities at the event.

"Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with other industry professionals and showcase our capabilities," said United Material's spokesperson, Chun Fu. "We are excited to demonstrate how our solutions can help businesses meet their manufacturing needs and achieve their goals."

In addition to showcasing their products and services, United Material will also participate in seminars and networking events to gain insights into the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

"We believe that attending Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023 will enable us to stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and connect with potential partners and clients," said Mr. Fu.

United Material's attendance at the event reflects their commitment to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions to their clients. With a track record of success and a passion for excellence, they are well-positioned to make a significant impact at the exhibition.

For more information about United Material, visit their website at www.united.com.tw

About United Material: United Material is a leading contract manufacturer that provides precision machining, injection molding, and assembly services to various industries in Taiwan. With over 10 years of experience, they are committed to providing innovative and cost-effective solutions to their clients. For more information, visit www.united.com.tw.

Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023

Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023

Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023

Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023

Manufacturing World Nagoya 2023

